Tag Archives: Department of Justice
DOJ files second DADT legal appeal to 9th Circuit
The U.S. Department of Justice sent notice to a federal district court in Tacoma, Washington, that it will appeal the court’s ruling that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell violates the federal constitution.
9th Circuit: DADT stay continues
The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Monday granted the government’s request to permanently delay enforcement of a lower court order to stop enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT).
Obama on DADT repeal: Promise or prediction?
One word stuck out as tough, but basically Bridget Todd’s query to President Obama was delivered very respectfully: She told the president that she had voted for him based on his “alleged” commitment to equality for all Americans, gay and
DOJ: will appeal DOMA cases
The U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday filed notice to a federal district court in Boston that it does intend to appeal the court’s decision in two cases testing the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act.
DADT injunction: Now and global
A federal judge in California Tuesday issued an order to put an “immediate” and global halt to all discharges and investigations under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
Anger grows as DOJ fights DADT injunction
The U.S. Department of Justice urged a federal district court judge Thursday not to issue an order that would stop enforcement of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The request is yet another instance of the incongruity some LGBT activists
Another DADT trial, but a different DOJ tack
The story of Air Force Reserve Major Margaret Witt has some drama to it and that drama may well be trotted out this week as a U.S. District Court judge hears the lawsuit challenging her discharge under “Don’t Ask, Don’t
DADT trial opens to little notice
While most people who are concerned about eliminating the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law are focused on a bill in Congress and a survey by the Pentagon, there is important action elsewhere—in a federal district court in Riverside, California.