Tag Archives: Barney Frank
Potential DOD head apologizes to LGBTs
In a development illustrating one measure of the LGBT political lobby’s influence on the Obama administration, a Republican figure said to be a top-runner to become the next Secretary of Defense apologized for his remarks 14 years ago, casting aspersions
Frank’s slam against GOP gays not likely to woo votes to Obama
The presidential finish line is eight weeks off, and there’s little indication that the LGBT vote in this year’s presidential election will divide up any differently than it has in the past several: 3 to 1 for the Democrat. But
10 big stories for 2012
Significant events are crowding the calendar for 2012, and each promises considerable drama and suspense for the LGBT community. Here are the ten most important to keep an eye on:
Frank: Leaving the arena but not the fight
Something changed for U.S. Rep. Barney Frank between February and November of this year. In February, he announced he would seek re-election in 2012, to a 17th term in office. And on Monday, November 28, he announced this current term
Nov. 3 set for DOMA repeal vote in committee
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee will debate and vote on a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) on Wednesday, November 3. Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) announced the scheduling Tuesday, October 25.
Gay Dems split over debt ceiling bill; LGBT groups worry about its bottom line
The U.S. Senate gave final Congressional approval Tuesday to a bill raising the nation’s current $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by $2 trillion, but it’s a bill that calls for $2 trillion in federal spending cuts that worry LGBT and AIDS
Gay reps ask Obama to extend veto threat to DADT
The U.S. House’s four openly gay members have asked President Obama to issue a veto threat against a defense spending bill that includes a measure to delay repeal of "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell."
Book alleges Frank pressed Fannie Mae to hire companion
The headlines and leads of news stories about U.S. Rep. Barney Frank on Friday, May 27, used words like "Frank admits" in relaying a story that the most senior openly gay member of Congress "used his influence" as a member
AIDS funding: caught in the crossfire of the FY 12 budget battle
Before it left on spring recess, the U.S. House passed a budget for Fiscal Year 2012 that the president called "wrong for America" and that AIDS activists have said would do "irreparable harm."
Pro-LGBT bills outnumber hostile ones but little movement expected
U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) re-introduced the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) to the Senate on Wednesday, and U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) each re-introduced a bill Thursday to help bi-national LGBT couples. These latest measures