Tag Archives: barack obama
Mid-day report: Friday morning Prop 8 trial
There was some extra drama in and outside the courtroom this morning when one of the defense’s attorneys, David Thompson, told Judge Vaughn Walker that defense had withdrawn many of its witnesses because of their fears about being videotaped and
Mid-day report: Wednesday morning Prop 8 trial
Attorneys for Proposition 8 tried to make a case this morning for the notion that people could support the ban on same-sex marriage without feeling hostility toward gay people. Their prime exhibit: President Obama.
President signs hate crimes law
President Obama on October 28 announced his signing of the long-sought federal hate crimes prevention law.
Obama’s ambassadorial appointment takes count near 100
President Obama on October 7 issued a statement announcing the nomination of an openly gay man to serve as the nation’s ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa.