Tag Archives: attorney general

Speed Read: Hobby or agenda?

The Hobby Lobby chain seeking a religious exemption at the U.S. Supreme Court last week funds an organization that is funneling millions of dollars to smaller groups "to advance an agenda that would allow businesses to discriminate against gays and

Speed Read: ‘Reasoned consideration’

About 100 same-sex couples were able to marry in Michigan Saturday before a federal appeals court issued a temporary stay of a ruling that the state ban on same-sex couples marrying is unconstitutional. Vice President Joe Biden set the bar

Speed Read: ‘Bad for Mississippi’

The Mississippi House Judiciary Committee Tuesday advanced a religious bias bill to the House floor, which could vote on it as early as today. The Kentucky Attorney General announced yesterday he won't defend the constitutionality of the state's ban on

Speed Read: Religious boycott?

As a religious bias bill dies in the Georgia legislature, supporters of the measure vow a national boycott against the major corporations that spoke out against the measure. A religious bias bill in Mississippi could die today if a House

Speed Read: Arizona OKs religious bias

Arizona's legislature yesterday became the first to clear a bill to allow people to discriminate against others by claiming to have a religious belief that requires them to do so. Maine's House joined its Senate in killing a similar measure.

Speed Read: Putin hugs lesbian medalist

Openly gay Dutch speed skater Ireen Wust won a gold medal in the 3,000 meter women’s speedskate Sunday, and Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated her at a nearby bar. The Nevada attorney general filed a motion Monday to withdraw

Holder announcement scrutinized

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told a Human Rights Campaign audience in New York Saturday that, beginning Monday, he “will – for the first time in history – formally instruct all Justice Department employees to give lawful same-sex marriages full

Speed Read: Injunctions on the table

The legal team of Olson-Boies asked a federal judge in Norfolk to issue an injunction stopping enforcement of Virginia's marriage ban against their clients. Cases in Oregon are consolidated while signatures for a ballot measure are reportedly well beyond the

Virginia attorney general won’t defend marriage ban in court

The attorney general of Virginia announced this morning that his office will no longer defend the constitutionality of the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.

Speed Read: Robert Gates disses Obama

New Mexico's Republican governor won't support a push to approve a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates disses President Obama over Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. And more...