Category Archives: Trump administration

Trump said ready to name gay supporter to post

President Trump met with Republican gay politico Ric Grenell July 12 and is reportedly considering him for the post of U.S. ambassador to Germany.

Gorsuch now looms over upcoming LGBT battles

Neil Gorsuch's evasive responses to questions about how he much respect he would give precedents in major LGBT Supreme Court decisions left LGBT legal activists with much to be worried about with upcoming cases.

Trump guts important executive order

Lambda Legal calls "very disturbing" the news Monday that President Trump revoked an executive order that included important safeguards against discrimination against LGBT people by federal contractors.

Trump won’t rescind LGBT executive order; activists still worry

Most LGBT activists reacted with concern that President Trump's reassuring “words” not to rescind a pro-LGBT executive order may not match up to his troubling “actions” of nominating people who are hostile to LGBT to key federal positions.

Trump says ‘ban’ to ‘protect Americans,’ including LGBTs

President Trump cited violence against LGBT people in both his controversial executive order restricting immigration and his memo directing the Defense Secretary to submit a plan to defeat ISIS. LGBT activists aren't applauding the gesture.

Trump term begins: silence, promise, and resistance

President Trump's transition team invited Log Cabin Republicans to weigh in on the importance of existing pro-LGBT executive orders, but most signals from the inauguration and first days of the new administration revealed areas of worry --from a new Justice

Trump’s First 100 Days: What to brace for

While Donald Trump used his campaign pulpit to urge the American people to stand in “solidarity” with the LGBT community following the Orlando nightclub massacre, his picks for key administration roles have been people with a history of standing solidly