Category Archives: Politics

Olympic moments: Two roads to visibility emerge in Sochi, with different audiences and impact

The Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, have demonstrated that there are at least two distinct ways to promote equal rights for LGBT people – the classic form of direct political protest and the “I’m here, I’m queer, get used to

Holder announcement scrutinized

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told a Human Rights Campaign audience in New York Saturday that, beginning Monday, he “will – for the first time in history – formally instruct all Justice Department employees to give lawful same-sex marriages full

State of the Union: LGBT leaders disappointed in what was missing

In his State of the Union address, President Obama spoke of a nation working on issues such as marriage equality and earning the respect of other nations “because we believe in the inherent dignity and equality of every human being,

Movement status: ‘Unprecedented progress’ and ‘second-class’

An independent think tank that studies the progress of the movement on equal rights for LGBT people released its latest report Tuesday, and the assessment is a surprising “mixed.”

Virginia attorney general won’t defend marriage ban in court

The attorney general of Virginia announced this morning that his office will no longer defend the constitutionality of the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.

Putin’s remarks continue to fan controversy over anti-LGBT law

President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone Tuesday on a number of issues facing both nations, including the threats being made on the upcoming Olympic Games in Sochi. But they didn't talk about --at least not according

Crist apologizes for mistake on marriage ban

He's in a tight race for governor, but in an extraordinary interview, Florida’s former Republican Governor Charlie Crist apologized for having supported efforts to ban on same-sex marriage on the ballot in that state in 2008.

Some worry over amendments in new Defense funding bill

Leaders of the U.S. Senate and House Armed Services committees announced Monday that they have reached an agreement on the defense authorization bill for the coming year, including some provisions LGBT activists have opposed.

Historic Senate vote: ENDA passes, 64 to 32

The U.S. Senate today approved the flagship piece of legislation that the LGBT community has fought for over the past 19 years and more. The vote of 64 to 32 marked the first time the Senate has approved the Employment

U.S. House gay caucus gets new member

In a surprise announcement, U.S. Rep. Michael Michaud, a Democratic candidate for governor next year, acknowledged that he is gay. Michaud (pronounced Mee-show), 58, said he was making the acknowledgement publically because of “whisper campaigns, insinuations and push-polls” by opponents