Category Archives: Politics
Former RNC chair comes out
Former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman acknowledged publicly this week that he is gay. Mehlman was a close colleague of President George W. Bush’s political architect Karl Rove.
HUD clarifies LGBT housing discrimination protections
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced new guidance to help LGBT people who encounter discrimination in housing. Two LGBT leaders familiar with housing issues say the move is “very significant” and “much needed.”
Appointment of Byrd replacement bodes well for DADT repeal
The immediate replacement for U.S. Senator Robert Byrd will most likely be chosen by the governor, not by a special election—and that is good news for the chances of repealing "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell."
Federal Departments Mixed in Promotion of LGBT Rights
A panel of six LGBT activist leaders in April were asked to grade the Obama administration thus far on LGBT issues. Three panelists gave the administration a "D," two gave it a "B," and one a "C." Keen News Service
Fed partner benefits: The ‘pay-for’ hurdle
When President Obama issued a memorandum extending certain benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees, he noted there are still certain benefits he cannot extend under current law. But the legislation the president and many LGBT organizations are touting