Category Archives: Politics
Obama: LGBT disappointment not justified
President Obama said Wednesday (October 27) that he doesn’t think the "disillusionment" that some in the LGBT community have for his administration thus far is "justified."
New chief of staff: an ‘internal advocate’
President Obama announced that White House senior adviser Peter Rouse will take over immediately as his Chief of Staff, replacing Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel is leaving his post to launch a campaign to run for mayor of Chicago.
GOP “Pledge” honors only “traditional marriage”
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives revealed their “Pledge to America,” and it includes a pledge to “to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.” That reference
Vote against filibuster fails; no DADT repeal today
The Senate rejected a motion to break a Republican-led filibuster against an annual defense spending bill that includes language aimed at ending the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law banning gays. The vote was 56 to 43.
Hospital visitation regs: Lambda wants to close the loopholes
Equality in hospital visitation policies is not a controversial issue. That’s what seems apparent from the 427 comments received during the just ended public comment period on the proposed regulation to implement President Obama’s hospital visitation memorandum.