Category Archives: Politics
LGBT housing bill faces long odds
Three weeks before the end of a session of Congress may seem an odd time to introduce any new bills, much less one dealing with always-contentious LGBT civil rights. But three representatives introduced a bill 12/8 that would better protect
Senate fails to bring DADT repeal to the floor
Thu. Dec. 9 - 4:10 p.m.—The Senate has just rejected an attempt to bring the defense authorization bill to the floor, effectively killing the prospects for repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell this year, and likely for years to come. The
DADT suspense continues: maybe tomorrow
All the focus was on Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins Wednesday, with the question being whether she could be persuaded to vote to end the Republican-led filibuster against the defense authorization bill.
Military leaders stand firm: For repeal
The Pentagon’s top four leaders stood their ground Thursday during the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Defense Department’s report concerning Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal. But there was considerable pushback from Republicans on the committee—and not just John
Significant recommendations in DADT repeal report and fuzzy math on timing
Defense Secretary Robert Gates sent mixed signals Tuesday, in releasing the Pentagon’s long-awaited study about how to implement repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. He said repeal “can and should be done,” but he urged Congress to consider the views