Category Archives: Politics

2010 Census trend: 50 percent more same-sex couples over 2000

With only 35 states and Puerto Rico counted, the 2010 Census has already topped the 2000 Census count of same-sex couples in all 50 states.

Gay Dems split over debt ceiling bill; LGBT groups worry about its bottom line

The U.S. Senate gave final Congressional approval Tuesday to a bill raising the nation’s current $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by $2 trillion, but it’s a bill that calls for $2 trillion in federal spending cuts that worry LGBT and AIDS

New York marriage equality spurs on other states

Just as the Stonewall Riots in New York City in 1969 gave a lift to the nascent movement for equal rights for gays across the country, marriage equality in the Empire State appears to be giving a boost to marriage

Hearing on repeal of DOMA: It’s not just the economy

U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a legendary civil rights activist, led off Wednesday's historic hearing to discuss repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, likening it to laws decades ago that requires separate water fountains and restrooms for "whites" and "coloreds."

Senate confirms first openly gay man to federal bench

The U.S. Senate Monday evening (July 18) approved the confirmation of openly gay attorney J. Paul Oetken to serve as a U.S. district court judge.

Grassley hints at trouble ahead for lesbian judicial nominee

There was a hint of trouble ahead for the nomination of lesbian attorney Alison Nathan to the U.S. District Court for Southern New York.

Republican field splinters on anti-gay marriage pledge

The campaign of Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney and four other GOP presidential candidates said this week they would not sign the bizarre pledge that at least two other GOP competitors did sign--a pledge that promises the candidate will vigorously

Church supports rights of LGBT parents and their children

The United Church of Christ (UCC), the denomination to which President Obama belonged for two decades, resoundingly approved two resolutions support of civil rights for LGBT people--including the first-ever resolution by a major Christian denomination affirming the right of LGBT

Governor signs Rhode Island civil union law, but pleases no one

Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee (I) signed a civil union bill into law on Saturday, July 2--but LGBT civil rights advocates are not happy with his decision to do so. And Chafee himself said the bill "fails to fully achieve"

Maine seeks to regain marriage equality

For the first time in history, LGBT activists are initiating a ballot measure to win marriage equality. EqualityMaine and Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) announced that they are taking steps to place a citizen’s initiative on the November