Category Archives: News
HHS rule: ‘quintessentially arbitrary and capricious’
A federal judge in New York on Wednesday struck "in full" a rule adopted by the Trump administration in May that would have given wide latitude to health care workers to refuse treatment based on "religious and moral beliefs."
Majority of LGBT candidates prevail in Tuesday’s elections
More than 100 LGBT candidates were on the ballot Tuesday and 75 percent of them --mostly Democrats-- won, joining a "blue wave" in several states.
HHS reverses ‘critical protections’ in health care
The Trump administration announced November 1 that it will immediately stop enforcing non-discrimination protections for LGBT people in health care and seek a change in regulations to formalize that policy.
Katie Hill resigns, citing fear of continued ‘brutality’
U.S. Rep. Katie Hill, one of eight openly LGBT members of the U.S. House and part of Speaker Pelosi's leadership team, announced Sunday evening she will resign her office. Hill said she was concerned her estranged husband and "hateful political
CNN town hall: a night of unexpected drama
It was clear that a lot of preparation was put into the October 10 CNN Town Hall on LGBTQ issues. More than 50 LGBT people of all ages and walks of life told their stories and asked questions of the
Supreme Court probabilities spell uncertain results
Taking a look at what each justice said during the October 8 Title VII case arguments and coupling that with their past voting records and remarks on LGBT decisions narrows down the prospects for how the U.S. Supreme Court
A glimmer of optimism in Title VII arguments
Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court seemed to meld the argument regarding sexual orientation discrimination with that regarding transgender discrimination but one of the new justices signaled he was "really close" to seeing a Title VII claim.
Supreme preview: “Stakes could not be higher”
Many U.S. Supreme Court observers expect the trio of Title VII cases to be argued October 8 will be the most watched cases of the court's 2019-20 term. All believe the outcome will have enormous consequences.
LGBT debate: candidates grilled on the past
Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Elizabeth Warren seemed to draw the warmest applause Friday night at the first national LGBT forum for presidential candidates.