Category Archives: News

2nd debate: Rolling downhill without wheels

Democrat Hillary Clinton made clear that preserving marriage equality would be a top consideration for her in choosing Supreme Court nominees. Republican Donald Trump said his top priority would be to choose someone in the mode of Justice Antonin Scalia.

US Senate: 57 percent chance of new majority

Election data guru Nate Silver calculates there's a 57 percent chance Democrats might win the majority in the U.S. Senate November 8. LGBT issues are playing in several of the key states that would decide such a victory.

VP debate: Stark silence on LGBT issues

Given Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence's recent very public struggle to defend a new Indiana anti-gay law, many expected the issue would come up in Tuesday's vice presidential debate. It didn't. And Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine made

LGBT candidates: still some gay-baiting

A few openly LGBT candidates for public office have suffered some of the old gay-baiting and scare tactics of the past, but most of the record number of LGBT candidates this year seem to be finding acceptance --or rejection-- to

First debate: Trump leans on feud with Rosie

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump once again relied on his long-standing feud with lesbian comedian Rosie O'Donnell to deflect criticism of his record of making derogatory remarks about women. Most political commentators scored the first presidential debate for Democrat Hillary

Supreme Court: Three cases to watch

There will be at least one case before the U.S. Supreme Court this session testing the ability of groups to claim an exemption to state laws based on their religious affiliation. A second case is asking the court to decide

North Carolina: Battles on two fronts

Update Monday 12:20 p.m.: Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts issued a statement this morning (Sept. 19) that left no impression the Council would consider repealing its ordinance. “The City of Charlotte continues its commitment to be a welcoming community that honors and respects

Clinton stumbles, Trump promises ‘religious liberty’

Hillary Clinton's remarks before an LGBT fundraiser Friday were being compared to Mitt Romney's famously damaging "47 percent" quip in his failed presidential bid. Meanwhile, Donald Trump praised anti-gay activist Phyllis Schlafly and promised a conservative religious group Friday that

Trump-Clinton trading barbs over Orlando

Presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign is raising questions about the highly visible presence of the father of the Orlando nightclub gunman at a Clinton campaign rally Monday. Clinton supporters are noting that Trump plans to appear at an anti-LGBT group's

Legal groups take on Texas-led lawsuit

Five LGBT legal groups say more than a dozen states are attempting to avoid court rulings that say federal law prohibiting sex discrimination protects transgender students and employees.