Category Archives: Issues

Mid-day report: Thursday morning Prop 8 trial

It was mostly a numbers game in the courtroom this morning during Day 4 of the federal trial challenging Proposition 8.

Defense profers a harm: gay male non-monogamy

Attorneys defending Proposition 8 in a federal district court tipped their hand Wednesday on how they will try to show that allowing same-sex couples to marry might harm the institution of marriage.

Mid-day report: Wednesday morning Prop 8 trial

Attorneys for Proposition 8 tried to make a case this morning for the notion that people could support the ban on same-sex marriage without feeling hostility toward gay people. Their prime exhibit: President Obama.

Prop 8: An offspring of the Anita Bryant crusade?

Attorneys challenging the California ballot measure that banned same-sex marriage painted the “Yes on 8” campaign today as a modern day copycat of Anita Bryant’s late 1970s campaign to “Save the Children.”

Interim report: Tuesday morning Prop 8 trial

Take-home message from expert Nancy Cott’s testimony today: The push by gay and lesbian couples to obtain equal access to marriage has done much to improve the status of marriage in the U.S, not harm it.

Prop 8 trial: Probing judge and high court intervention

The trial to challenge Proposition 8 in federal court got underway Monday in San Francisco but the opening acts were upstaged in Washington, D.C.

Historic trial begins today; case seeks to strike Prop 8

The trial to challenge Proposition 8 opens at 9 a.m. Pacific time this morning, and it promises to be an event of historic proportions for the LGBT community on many levels—legally, politically, and dramatically.

Gays, Blackwater, and aborigines?

A look at how Proposition 8 defenders seek to justify the same-sex marriage ban What do gay political icon Harvey Milk, anti-gay marriage activist Maggie Gallagher, controversial military contractor Blackwater, and the Walibiri aborigines of Central Australia have in common?

With NJ Senate rejection, fight turns to courts

Even before the votes were tallied Thursday in the New Jersey Senate on a marriage equality bill, advocates of the bill knew they would fall short. The marriage equality bill needed 21 votes to pass; it garnered only 14.

Frank says LGBT still have chance in health reform bill

News on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning suggested there was little hope for keeping pro-LGBT provisions in the health care reform legislation Congress hopes to pass. But Rep. Barney Frank says he’s still “somewhat optimistic.”