Category Archives: Issues

Kagan — Gays are constituency, not priority

It’s been clear since Elena Kagan was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court that her confirmation hearing would be unusually focused on things gay. First, there were the complaints that she barred military recruiters from Harvard Law School while she was

Prop 8 closing: Fear v. Equality

There were so many people trying to get in to watch the final day of the landmark trial challenging California’s same-sex marriage ban, the court staff had to set up an additional overflow room for observers.

Mid-day report: Prop 8 trial closing arguments

Conservative attorney Ted Olson relied heavily this morning on comparisons between the current ban on same-sex marriage and the ban that existed in the 1960’s on interracial marriage.

Judge’s Prop 8 questions portend ‘blockbuster’

The federal judge presiding over the highly publicized Proposition 8 trial distributed to attorneys on both sides of the controversy a list of 39 questions he’d like them to address during closing arguments June 16. It’s the kind of list,

GOP studies options against DADT; eyes Webb and Pryor

Republicans are reportedly scouring for filibuster votes against the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal and are expected to focus their efforts on winning over Democrats Jim Webb of Virginia and Mark Pryor of Arkansas.

DADT repeal clears two major Congressional hurdles

The U.S. House voted 234 to 194 Thursday night to approve a compromise amendment that many believe will—with some conditions—eventually lead to the end of the military’s policy of discharging gay servicemembers.

Mass. likens DOMA to Colorado initiative that Supreme Court struck down

For the second time in three weeks, a federal judge in Boston heard arguments in a lawsuit that asks the court to strike down a significant part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Lesbian U.S. Attorney Nominee Approved

The full Senate on Friday, May 28 unanimously confirmed Laura Duffy as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California, making her the second openly lesbian or gay U.S. attorney. Jenny Durkan, the first, was confirmed in September as U.S.

DADT repeal likely on House floor Friday; picks up critical senate support

The Murphy Amendment seeking repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy is slated to come up near the end of the House’s consideration this week of the annual defense authorization bill.

Compromise DADT repeal poised for votes now in Congress

A measure to repeal the 16-year-old federal law excluding openly gay people from the military started up the Congressional ladder this week—with a reluctant nod from the White House and a controversial rewrite.