Author Archives: Lisa Keen
New Top 5 LGBT Supreme Court Cases
With the release of the two opinions this week from the U.S. Supreme Court, the landscape has shifted, and these two decisions take their place among the top five most important decisions for LGBT people in the movement's history:
DOJ nominee gets GOP booster
Openly gay nominee Stuart Delery went into Tuesday’s confirmation hearing with at least one big endorsement: Republican former Solicitor General Paul Clement.
Waiting for DOMA and Prop 8
The U.S. Supreme Court will release decisions any day now in two high-profile cases involving marriage and same-sex couples. Historically, the court has favored releasing its most controversial decisions on the last day of its October through June session. And
No Supreme Court decision today
The Supreme Court issued four decisions today on cases argued in April, including a big one concerning patents, but no opinion still on the March-argued cases involving marriage. All four cases were unanimous decisions. The next date for issuing opinions
Supreme Court watch: Eyes on Thursday
The U.S. Supreme Court did not issue a ruling Monday (June 10) in the two cases involving marriage for same-sex couples. The next date set for the release of decisions is Thursday, June 13, at 10 a.m. EDT. To be among
Illinois house balks on marriage
With the Illinois House just minutes away from adjournment, the openly gay sponsor of a marriage equality bill announced that he would not bring the legislation to the floor. The reason, he said, was that some colleagues asked for more
Kennedy’s voting record: sign of hope
Statistically speaking, there’s a better chance that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy will vote with the four more liberal justices on the court in the upcoming marriage decisions than he will with the more conservative ones.
Minnesota: Where the push for a marriage license began
Nearly every LGBT person knows about “Stonewall”—the spontaneous resistance to police intimidation of LGBT patrons at the Stonewall bar in New York City in June 1969. Relatively few know about Hennepin in May 1970.
Immigration bill advances without provisions for same-sex couples
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee approved an immigration reform bill Tuesday, May 21 without voting on two amendments seeking to provide benefits to same-sex couples, and the room erupted into loud applause and cheers.
White House honors LGBTs
The White House announced Monday (May 20) it would honor the late astronaut Sally Ride, whose same-sex relationship was revealed after her death last year. The White House will present Ride's partner and other family members with the Medal of