Author Archives: Lisa Keen

Speed Read: Tuesday 8 October 2013

Supreme Court refuses a case from an Ohio university official fired for dissing gays. Justice Scalia says he "suspects" he has friends who are "homosexual" but they haven't come out to him. George Will says the Republican Party has "diversity"

New Supreme Court session could include broad array of LGBT cases

The U.S. Supreme Court today (October 7) rejected reviews of two lower court decisions of some interest to LGBT legal activists. But some gay-related cases could be on the docket this session, and national legal experts predict a case testing

Speed Read: Monday 7 October 2013

Russian security may be monitoring calls, emails, and internet communications for 'sensitive" words. Pennsylvania Governor tries to re-write marriage quote. Senate hopeful Cory Booker stands firm in support of marriage equality despite baiting. Victory Fund backs gay lieutenant governor candidate

Speed Read: Friday 4 October 2013

Vice President Biden has backed out of the HRC dinner Saturday night; head of one of the nation's largest sportswear companies backs marriage equality; New York Times documentary dissects Quinn's mayoral primary loss; lesbian PAC is raising funds for

Speed Read: Thursday 3 October 2013

Lambda files its fifth marriage lawsuit, this time in West Virginia. Justice Scalia is suddenly mum on marriage for same-sex couples. Conference next week to help LGBT youth. Fox News keeps Republican candidate in Virginia honest. HRC national dinner sold

Speed Read: Wednesday 2 October 2013

When will a judge decide whether to put a stay on New Jersey's October 21 marriage equality deadline? What does Lambda have to say about the behind-the-scenes relations on the two Virginia marriage lawsuits. When will the Supreme Court decide

Lambda, ACLU lawsuits get boost in New Jersey and Illinois courts

In Illinois and New Jersey courts, the marriage equality movement won two more victories, including a major development that puts New Jersey on track to become the 14th state to allow same-sex couples to obtain marriage licenses.

UPDATE: Virginia lawsuits escalate

The high-powered legal team that brought down California’s ban on same-sex marriage announced Monday (September 30) it will now seek to strike down a ban enacted in Virginia in 2006.

Virginia lawsuits escalate

The high-powered legal team that brought down California’s ban on same-sex marriage announced Monday (September 30) it will now seek to strike down a ban in Virginia.

Senate confirms first gay to appeals court

The U.S. Senate voted Tuesday afternoon (Sept. 24) to confirm openly gay nominee Todd Hughes to serve on the U.S. Circuit Court for the Federal Circuit. The 98 to 0 vote makes Hughes the first openly gay nominee to be