Author Archives: Lisa Keen

Russia to create ‘protest zone’ for Olympics

The International Olympic Committee announced Tuesday that Russian authorities “plan to set up a protest zone in the city of Sochi.”

Speed Read: Tuesday 10 December 2013

1-    BEWARE THE PIN:  The executive board of the International Olympic Committee will reportedly vote today to approve a letter to send to all athletes competing in the winter games in Sochi in February to warn them against engaging in

Speed Read: Monday 9 December 2013

One openly gay U.S. representative joined a fast over the weekend; another lost his temper on the floor of the House last week; both were pressuring the House to take up an immigration reform bill. Elton John spoke out against

Speed Read: Friday 6 December 2013

While waiting to hear what agreement, if any, a House-Senate committee comes up with in hopes of avoiding an automatic round of sequestration cuts in January, one LGBT community health clinic warns that such cuts could seriously jeopardize its mission.

Speed Read: Thursday 5 December 2013

A bipartisan group in the U.S. House pressured House Speaker John Boehner to move ENDA to a floor vote. A federal judge in Utah takes arguments against the state's ban on marriage under consideration. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court gets a

Speed Read: Wednesday 4 December 2013

Barney Frank's supporting openly gay Rep. Mike Michaud for governor of Maine. Openly gay D.C. Councilman David Catania is considering a run for mayor of Washington, D.C. Olympic skater Johnny Weir apologizes for calling anti-Russia activists "idiots." And more....

Speed Read: Tuesday 3 December 2013

President Obama noted that his administration has been able to clear the 9,000-person long waiting list for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program. A CDC report last Friday warned that men having sex with men account for at least half of

Speed Read: Monday 2 December 2013

Same-sex couples began marrying after just after midnight this morning in Hawaii. The U.S. Department of Labor will revise its definition of "spouse" for the Family Medical Leave Act by March. National Guards in Texas and Oklahoma force straight and

Speed Read: Wednesday 27 November 2013

A gay couple in Atlanta say they got though the "glitchy" website and are saving more than $430 a month on a better health plan than they previously had. A federal appeals court said Oregon's ban on same-sex marriage

Speed Read: Tuesday 26 November 2013

While hate crime reports overall have dropped seven percent in the past year, for victims of hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation bias, they have dropped 12 percent. A Chicago judge yesterday ordered the state to immediately issue a marriage