Author Archives: Lisa Keen

Speed Read: Utah reiterates ban in force

The Utah attorney general and governor made clear today that the state has resumed enforcing its ban on same-sex marriage and called into question whether the 1,300 same-sex couples who have already married there since December 20 can be recognized

Utah AG says state may not recognize 1,300 marriages of same-sex couples

The Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes issued a statement Wednesday afternoon saying that he was “unable to reach a legal conclusion as to the ultimate validity of marriage between persons of the same sex who completed their marriage ceremony in

Speed Read: Robert Gates disses Obama

New Mexico's Republican governor won't support a push to approve a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates disses President Obama over Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. And more...

Speed Read: New lawsuit filed in Arizona

While the U.S. Supreme Court put a halt to same-sex marriages in Utah for a few months, another lawsuit has been filed to attack the ban on same-sex marriages in Arizona. Openly gay Maine gubernatorial candidate Mike Michaud picked up

Utah ban back in force for at least three months or more on appeal

The U.S. Supreme Court order granting a stay of the December 20 district court order that prohibited Utah from enforcing its ban on same-sex marriage allows Utah to resume enforcing the ban “pending final disposition” of the appeal of that

Full U.S. Supreme Court grants Utah stay

The Supreme Court this morning granted Utah a stay of a decision that has allowed same-sex couples to marry there since December 20.

Speed Read: New DOD regs publish today

The Defense Department's new regulations on identification cards --including for same-sex spouses-- goes into effect today. Justice Sonia Sotomayor may announce today whether to grant a stay of the court decision in Utah that has allowed same-sex couples to marry.

Charlie Crist: ‘I’m sorry I did that. It was a mistake…. Please forgive me.’

Florida's former Republican governor Charlie Crist apologizes for his past opposition to same-sex marriage, says the Republican Party has gone "nuts," and explains why the LGBT community should support his bid, as a Democrat, to become governor again.

Speed Read: Mayor Parker wins a round

A federal judge in Texas refused Thursday to grant a stay of Houston Mayor Annise Parker's policy of granting equal benefits to gay married city employees. A federal judge in Arizona has agreed to let Lambda Legal's lawsuit for state

Opposition brief due today on Utah request for stay of marriage decision

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor gave attorneys representing same-sex couples in Utah until noon today to file a brief in opposition to Utah's request for a stay of a federal district court decision that struck down the state's ban