Author Archives: Lisa Keen
Olson lauds Virginia judge’s ‘eloquent’ decision, expresses confidence on appeal
A federal judge in Norfolk, Virginia, today struck down the state’s ban on same-sex couples marrying but stayed the execution of her order, that the state stop enforcing the law, pending appeal to the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. The
Judge strikes Virginia’s marriage ban
A federal judge in Norfolk, Virginia, struck down the state’s ban on same-sex couples marrying but stayed the execution of her order that it stop enforcing the law, pending appeal to the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
Speed Read: Wyoming nixes two bills
The Wyoming House rejected two marriage-related bills Thursday. The Indiana Senate on Thursday voted to agree to a ban on same-sex marriage passed by the House, meaning the issue can't reach voters before 2016. Missouri’s Democratic Governor Jay Nixon said
Speed Read: Idaho up, Kansas down
The Idaho Supreme Court on Monday ruled that a magistrate judge violated the constitutional rights of a lesbian when the judge dismissed the woman's petition to adopt the children of her female spouse because the couple’s marriage was not recognized
Speed Read: Putin hugs lesbian medalist
Openly gay Dutch speed skater Ireen Wust won a gold medal in the 3,000 meter women’s speedskate Sunday, and Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated her at a nearby bar. The Nevada attorney general filed a motion Monday to withdraw
Speed Read: Surprises in Sochi
It wasn't a Dutch band but Sochi Olympics organizers themselves that included the iconic gay anthem "YMCA" on an approved playlist and pumped it into the speed skate arena Saturday. Holder's announcement on same-sex couples gets mixed reviews. And an
Olympic visibilty: Some big surprises happening off-screen in Sochi
LGBT visibility during the first few days of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, included some high profile political “messages,” two gay inclusive television commercials, and several surprise choices by both Russian games organizers and openly gay athletes. It was Olympic
Holder announcement scrutinized
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told a Human Rights Campaign audience in New York Saturday that, beginning Monday, he “will – for the first time in history – formally instruct all Justice Department employees to give lawful same-sex marriages full