Author Archives: Lisa Keen

Brewer vetoes Arizona religious bias bill

Republican Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has vetoed the religious bias bill. Nearly all political pundits were predicting she would veto the bill allowing people to discriminate based on self-claimed religious beliefs.

Federal judge says Texas marriage ban ‘demeans’ gays for ‘no legitimate reason’

A federal judge in San Antonio, Texas, ruled Wednesday that Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage violates the U.S. Constitution and demeans the dignity of gay couples “for no legitimate reason.”

Speed Read: Michigan trial begins today

MICHIGAN TRIAL STARTS TODAY: A federal judge in Detroit will begin hearing testimony today in a lesbian couple’s challenge to the state law banning same-sex couples from marrying. The case, DeBoer v. Michigan, started out as a lawsuit to challenge

Speed Read: Bias bill is pro-gay?

Proponents of a stalled religious bias bill in Kansas are sending out letters claiming the bill helps LGBT people. Uganda's president announced this morning he would sign the parliament's Anti-Homosexuality Act this morning. Big television campaign being launched today.

Speed Read: Arizona OKs religious bias

Arizona's legislature yesterday became the first to clear a bill to allow people to discriminate against others by claiming to have a religious belief that requires them to do so. Maine's House joined its Senate in killing a similar measure.

Speed Read: Arizona joins a trend

The Arizona Senate on Wednesday passed a bill that allows people to claim a religious belief in order to discriminate based on sexual orientation; the state House is expected to consider the bill today. A federal judge in Virginia ponders

Speed Read: Anti-gay bills failing

Bills attempting to provide a way for people to discriminate against gays by claiming a religious exercise failed in multiple states Tuesday. A second Mississippi town voted for "inherent worth" of gays and others. Consequences of Uganda law still playing

Olympic moments: Two roads to visibility emerge in Sochi, with different audiences and impact

The Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, have demonstrated that there are at least two distinct ways to promote equal rights for LGBT people – the classic form of direct political protest and the “I’m here, I’m queer, get used to

Speed Read: Rice calls Uganda

White House National Security Advisor Susan Rice posted several messages on Twitter Monday, saying that she spoke “at length” with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni “to urge him not to sign” the anti-LGBT bill. Alaska warms to marriage for gay couples.

Speed Read: Mob attack in Nigeria

A “mob” of about 40 people dragged 14 young men from their beds in the Nigerian capital Abuja last Thursday night and beat them with wooden clubs and iron bars. Ted Cruz tries to stem the tide of state marriage