Author Archives: Lisa Keen
Speed Read: Supreme rejection
The Supreme Court refused to take review of an appeal from a photographer who violated non-discrimination laws by refusing a lesbian couple. Nebraska came close to passing a non-discrimination law that included sexual orientation and gender identity. Houston's lesbian mayor
Speed Read: Ohio surprise
A federal judge in Cincinnati surprised a courtroom Friday by saying he would issue a ruling by April 14, declaring Ohio's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Michigan, meanwhile, is hoping to leap frog ahead of other appeals to the Sixth
Speed Read: Health alert in L.A.
LGBT RALLY FOR VETO: LGBT groups will hold a rally on the lawn of the State Capitol in Jackson, Mississippi, at noon CDT today, in protest over the passage of a religious bias bill by the state legislature Tuesday. The
Speed Read: Mississippi bias
The Mississippi legislature passed a religious bias bill Tuesday which many think will be used to justify discrimination against gays and blacks. Gay federal court nominee has smooth sailing in confirmation hearing. Federal judge cancels trial for one of the
Speed Read: Rewriting Windsor
Two openly gay nominees to the federal bench are pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. One, Darrin Gayles, has his confirmation hearing today. The other, Staci Yandle, had to respond to additional questions from one Republican concerning the
Speed Read: Hate tour continues
The Westboro Baptist Church issued a press statement Friday vowing to take its “God hates fags” hate troupe to picket outside the NCAA’s Final Four games in Texas April 5. Billy Graham biographer suggests anti-gay statements Graham's son is attributing
Speed Read: A pulpit for bullies
The Tennessee legislature this week sent to the governor’s desk a bill the ACLU says the measure will make it easier for bullies to target LGBT students. The mega-charity World Vision said yesterday that it made a "mistake" Monday when