Author Archives: Lisa Keen
Speed Read: Tennessee gets a stay
DOD adds sexual orientation to its charter of values for military personnel. The United Church of Christ has filed a first-of-its-kind lawsuit against a ban on same-sex marriage in North Carolina. And a federal appeals court rejected Michigan's request to
United Church of Christ lawsuit in North Carolina challenges penalty for ministers
In a first of its kind lawsuit, a group of ministers filed a complaint in federal court Monday against North Carolina’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples, saying that the law’s penalties against clergy who conduct ceremonies for same-sex marriages
Speed Read: ‘The NAACP for gay people’
There is a potential for two ballot measures soon to repeal marriage bans in Ohio and Oregon. An effort to impeach Missouri governor for letting same-sex married couples file joint state tax returns appears to have little chance of passage.
Speed Read: NOM delay denied
A federal judge in Oregon denied the National Organization for Marriage's motion to delay hearing two lawsuits against the state's marriage ban. There's been a major pile-on of criticism for a new book out on the Proposition 8 litigation. And
Prop 8 book ‘Forcing the Spring’ triggers pile-on of criticism for ‘distortions’
There has been a dramatic pile-on of criticism around the release Tuesday of a new book about the legal case that challenged California’s Proposition 8. The book, Forcing the Spring, by New York Times writer Jo Becker, has been thoroughly
Speed Read: Log Cabin gets booster
Houston Mayor Annise Parker has introduced a human rights bill that goes farther than many thought she would. A major trade group has promised "financial support" to Log Cabin Republicans. And Rep. David Cicilline is in the Ukraine to show
Speed Read: ‘We will kick them out’
An Arkansas judge said he would rule by May 1 on whether that state's ban on same-sex couples marrying is unconstitutional. Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe warned last week that he'd "kick out" any foreign diplomat who tried to support equal