Author Archives: Lisa Keen
Speed Read: Bathroom battle cry
Opponents of Houston's newly passed non-discrimination ordinance are going for the jugular: focusing on fears that respecting the rights of transgender citizens means opening up women's bathrooms to "predators, pedophiles, and rapists." At the same time this second-round is underway,
Houston: Celebrating new law and bracing for the next battle
In a battle she characterized as “very personal” and “about me,” Annise Parker, the openly gay mayor of the fourth most populous city in the United States, won a victory last Thursday. She convinced the Houston City Council to establish
Speed Read: Strange travel companions
Illinois' new marriage equality law went into effect officially Sunday, though more than 1,600 same-sex couples had already been married since February. And Equality Maryland is breathing easier since an anti-LGBT group failed to turn in enough signatures Saturday night
Gallup Polls show significant gains for LGBT community in public support
More than any other controversial issue involving ideas of morality, "gay and lesbian relations" has seen the most dramatic improvement in terms of the public's acceptance. Three recent Gallup Polls show significant gains for the LGBT community when it comes
Speed Read: Preserving history
The number of LGBT-related hate attacks stayed relatively consistent between 2012 and 2013, according to a report released yesterday. The Secretary of the Interior will announce a new campaign today to identify places and events in the LGBT civil rights
Speed Read: NOM at Supreme Court
The National Organization for Marriage is seeking U.S. Supreme Court intervention in its effort to defend Oregon's ban on same-sex marriage. The Houston City Council passed Mayor Annise Parker's proposed non-discrimination bill. Senator Orrin Hatch says anybody who doesn't think
Speed Read: Log Cabin attacks Polis
Log Cabin Republicans is running attack ads against an openly gay Congressman. Opponents of Houston's lesbian Mayor Annise Parker's proposed non-discrimination ordinance threaten to launch a recall election against her. North Dakota is left standing as the only state with
Speed Read: Montana’s time has come
Montana now has a lawsuit pending against its ban on same-sex couples marrying. The latest Gallup Poll finds support for recognizing marriages of same-sex couples at a new high. And LGBT leaders in San Diego make clear they want strong