Author Archives: Lisa Keen

Speed Read: Wisconsin on hold

The U.S. Senate will take a vote today on whether to consider Darrin Gayles nomination to serve on the U.S. district court bench in Miami. A federal judge in Wisconsin granted a stay of her decision declaring the state's ban

Speed Read: Deceptive, radical, sneaky

A federal judge in Wisconsin may decide today whether to issue a stay against her decision that the state's ban on same-sex couples marrying is unconstitutional. Hillary Clinton responds to NPR host's suggestions that she's deceptive, radical, and sneaky. And

Speed Read: ‘Worst kind of stereotypes’

Wisconsin's attorney general has directed the state office for vital records to process the records of marriage licenses issued since last Friday for same-sex couples. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder spoke to two LGBT gatherings. And San Francisco and Seattle

Speed Read: Win, loss, stunning upset

The Seventh Circuit has asked for briefs be submitted today on Wisconsin's request for an emergency stay of a federal district court ruling striking down the state's ban on same-sex couples marrying. The candidate who pulled off a stunning upset

Speed Read: Complications in PA and WI

A federal judge in Wisconsin refused the state's motion for a stay of her decision striking the state ban on same-sex couples marrying but said she did not instruct clerks to start issuing licenses. Clerks in about half the state's

Speed Read: Grand ole Badger State

A federal judge in Wisconsin struck down that state's ban on same-sex couples marrying Friday and couples immediately began picking up licenses and getting married while the state attorney general vows to challenge the ruling. North Dakota on Friday became

Supreme Court: Another June of ‘major moments’ pending

June is the final month of the U.S. Supreme Court’s current session and, while anticipation is not nearly so great this year for the LGBT community as it was last year, there is some concern in the air. This year,

Speed Read: ENDA ‘falls short’

The Tenth Circuit yesterday delayed for at least a week a federal judge's order that Utah grant state benefits to same-sex couples who married before the U.S. Supreme Court stayed another judge's ruling striking the state ban on same-sex couples

Judge dismisses most of NOM lawsuit against IRS over disclosure to HRC

A federal district court judge on June 3 dismissed most of a lawsuit by the National Organization for Marriage that claimed an employee of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service deliberately leaked a confidential tax document from NOM to the Human

Speed Read: Supreme Court says no

The U.S. Supreme Court denied the National Organization for Marriage's request to stay a federal court ruling in Oregon that allowed same-sex couples to marry. More church groups have joined the United Church of Christ's lawsuit in North Carolina. And