Author Archives: Lisa Keen

June 26: An historic date marking victories that almost didn’t happen

Three important U.S. Supreme Court decisions have made June 26 the most historic date on the LGBT civil rights movement’s calendar. But the powerful impact of two of those decisions has almost obscured the fact that they were narrow victories.

Mizeur falls, Maloney hits a bump, but 9 out of 12 advance in primaries

Nine of 12 openly LGBT candidates won their primary races Tuesday; but, lesbian Maryland State Delegate Heather Mizeur was not one them. And U.S. Rep. Sean Maloney was bested by his Republican opponent in a head-to-head ballot for the Independence

Speed Read: Mizeur strong but third

Lesbian House Delegate Heather Mizeur came in one point behind the state attorney general in her third place showing in the Maryland Democratic gubernatorial primary. A judge orders U.S. to pay National Organization for Marriage $50,000 over IRS snafu.

Speed Read: Big LGBT primary day

Ten openly LGBT candidates have primary races today --most in Maryland, including lesbian House Delegate Heather Mizeur who's running for governor. National Security Advisor Susan Rice will speak to an LGBT forum at the White House today. And U.S. Senator

Speed Read: Snags at SSA and VA

The Social Security Administation and Veterans Administration announced Friday that certain federal laws prevent them from recognizing same-sex marriages in all agency benefits. A transgender priest preached at Washington National Cathedral Sunday. And U.S. Rep. Sean Maloney married his long-time

Speed Read: Fixing ‘Family Leave’

The U.S. Department of Labor will propose today that regulations for the Family and Medical Leave Act be amended to clarify that employees are eligible for FMLA leave to care for a same-sex spouse even if they live in a

Speed Read: Eyes on exemptions

A federal judge in Pennsylvania denied a county clerk's request to serve as intervenor and appeal the judge's decision striking down the state's law against same-sex couples marrying. Senator Orrin Hatch says he hopes President Obama's executive order against discrimination

Speed Read: Passionate political moment

President Obama gave one of the most passionate speeches he's ever delivered to an LGBT audience, Tuesday night in New York City. The Senate confirmed two openly gay nominees for federal district court appointments. And the Republican Party is pouring

Speed Read: Senate votes today

President Obama is preparing to sign the long-sought executive order protecting LGBT employees of federal contractors. The Senate will vote today on two openly gay nominees to the federal bench.

Obama prepares to sign executive order on federal contractors

In a sudden but not necessarily unexpected gesture, the White House indicated today that President Obama has “directed his staff” to prepare an executive order to prohibit federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or