Author Archives: Lisa Keen

Supreme Court refuses 7 marriage appeals; 5 to 11 more states will have freedom; tally could hit 30

In a surprise development, the U.S. Supreme Court today announced it would not accept for review any of the seven appeals on same-sex marriage bans from five states. The action means that the stays placed on lower court decisions in

Supreme Court: Which case makes the best case for marriage equality?

The U.S. Supreme Court could announce as early as Tuesday (September 30) which marriage equality case –or cases— it will accept for review this session. But, while the Court has seven marriage equality cases to choose from during its private

Polis tries parliamentary maneuver in hopes of moving ENDA to the floor

Because House Speaker John Boehner has vowed to block ENDA from getting a vote, the discharge petition has become the only hope to force ENDA to the floor if the Republican-dominated chamber. U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, with the backing of

Summer Finale: ‘doing this stupid thing’

A Seventh Circuit panel grilled attorneys for Indiana and Wisconsin this week over their reasons for banning marriage for same-sex couples. The Supreme Court extended a stay last week on a Fourth Circuit decision that Virginia's ban on marriage for

Sunday Speed: Va. stay expires Thursday

The Supreme Court could decide this week whether to extend a stay of a Fourth Circuit ruling that, if not extended, will expire Thursday morning, enabling same-sex couples to marry in Virginia and, perhaps, in other Fourth Circuit states. The

Sunday Speed: 3 cases at Supreme Court

Three separate appeals were filed with the Supreme Court this week, seeking the high court's ruling on whether states can ban same-sex couples from marrying or refuse to recognize the marriage licenses same-sex couples have obtained in other states. A

Sixth Circuit GOP judges: Why not let the voters decide who gets to marry?

The three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals seemed to signal pretty clearly where they’re headed on the six marriage equality lawsuits they heard arguments in Wednesday: toward the first federal appeals ruling to undo lower court

Speed Read: Virginia seeks Supreme leap

The White House welcomes the president of Uganda tomorrow to the U.S.-Africa Summit. Doubts are expressed about likelihood of Utah's appeal being accepted at the U.S. Supreme Court. And only 46 percent of LGBT people consider themselves "liberal."

Fourth Circuit panel votes 2 to 1 to strike Virginia’s same-sex marriage ban

It was clear from the oral argument that two out of three of the judges on a Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel would vote on opposite sides concerning the constitutionality of Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage. The

Speed Read: Tough ruling in Colorado

It wasn't unusual that a federal district court judge declared Colorado's marriage ban for same-sex couples unconstitutional, but he bucked the trend by presuming the U.S. Supreme Court would grant a stay of his decision. Two potential presidential candidates make