Author Archives: Lisa Keen
For the record: Clinton: ‘Everything I can’
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton held a town hall style meeting in Las Vegas August 18. Two of the approximately one dozen questions fielded by the candidate concerned LGBT issues.
For the record: Trump on firing gays
NBC news reporter Chuck Todd asked Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump Sunday, "Should private companies be able to fire people because they're gay?"
Religion v. equal protection showdown reaches 6th Circuit
An important showdown between the constitutional rights to religious freedom and equal protection reached a federal appeals court Tuesday (August 18). A county clerk in Kentucky filed an appeal to the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in hopes of
Kasich gets a small boost, but debate does little to change GOP standings
Republican presidential candidates’ responses on LGBT questions during the August 6 debate appear to have had very little impact on the candidates’ overall standings in the polls. Ohio Governor John Kasich, who won some positive commentary for his remark that
First GOP debates: 17 candidates, one ‘humane’ response on LGBT issues
Only six of the 17 Republican presidential candidates fielded a question that hit upon an LGBT issue during last Thursday's debates. And only one of those six --Ohio Governor John Kasich— answered in a way that suggested a measure of
For the record…
White House press secretary says where he thinks the "real power" behind "some social progress" for LGBT people has come.
Initial snapshots of GOP candidates on LGBT issues: ‘Confuse everybody’
Studies have shown that only about one-third of LGBT Americans vote Republican, but there’s realistic chance a Republican will win the White House in 2016, so LGBT people need to pay attention to who might take the GOP nomination. The
EEOC decision gives concrete remedies for federal employees facing bias
A U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission decision Thursday could provide important remedies to thousands of federal workers who might face sexual orientation discrimination and may increase pressure on Congress to advance the ENDA.
Why some think the dissent cries ‘wolf’ over Supreme Court marriage decision
The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 26 decision striking down state bans against same-sex marriage has been touted as “probably the strongest manifesto in favor of marriage” and pilloried as “a threat to American democracy.” The huff and puff will soon
“Justice that arrives like a thunderbolt”: On same-sex marriage “the fight is over”
June 26 has been solidified as the historic date for LGBT history in the United States. It is the day in 2003 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states could not enforce laws prohibiting same-sex adults from having intimate relations. It is