Author Archives: Lisa Keen
LGBT support solidly behind Clinton in SC; GOP dividing over Trump
The LGBT community appears to have been solidly behind former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Saturday’s primary.
Clinton needled about the past, Trump sails by despite inconsistencies
Democrat Hillary Clinton is getting questioned again about her evolution toward support marriage for same-sex couples, but Republican Donald Trump maintains popularity despite current inconsistencies.
Scalia’s legacy included ‘gleeful’ hostility to the civil rights of LGBT people
One LGBT legal activist this weekend recalled U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as “a gleeful and influential political culture-warrior as well as … a towering figure who cast a dark shadow on the law and on the lives of
NH primary: A familiar split among the bizarre moments
LGBT news out of the New Hampshire presidential primary this week was both familiar and bizarre. The LGBT community in New Hampshire appeared to be he split between the top two Democratic candidates –Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. That was
Clinton heads to New Hampshire with LGBT support and a tie in Iowa
There were some interesting LGBT moments in the days running up to Monday’s Iowa caucuses –caucuses in which Human Rights Campaign-endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton appears to have essentially split the vote with U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and an early favorite
Obama on LGBT equality: ‘Stay vigilant and keep working at it’
President Obama said this month he thinks the progress made on LGBT equality is "here to stay" despite pushback from some quarters of the country.
Iowa poll finds LGBT issue important In deciding who to support in caucuses
LGBT issues have come up relatively little in the current presidential primary campaigns, but a poll out of Iowa last week says such issues do have an important influence in who likely caucus goers will choose to support. The first
Obama’s last State of the Union: Religion, coming out, Sally Ride, and no promises
In his eighth and final State of the Union address, President Obama on Tuesday seemed intent on both acknowledging the nation’s rifts and binding together those disparate parts with a “common creed” devoted to democracy. Unlike in some previous addresses,
Strength and longevity of legal gains may change in 2016 politics and lawsuits
Coming off another high achievement year, the LGBT community can relax and take it easy for a while now, right? This is the LGBT Golden Age, right? That may depend on whether LGBT people seek 24 karat gold equality or