Author Archives: Lisa Keen

House Republicans show ‘thirst to discriminate’ against LGBT community

House Republicans defeated an Energy and Water bill they support in order to stop a pro-LGBT amendment from final passage last week. Insiders say many Republicans seemed determined to undermine protections put in place for LGBT people under the Obama

Trump Supreme Court list: ‘Believe me, it’s gonna be conservative’

Conservatives like Donald Trump's list of proposed Supreme Court nominees, but some are beginning to question his commitment to sticking with that list should he become president.

Senate clears gay man to become Secretary of the Army

The U.S. Senate Tuesday confirmed Eric Fanning as Secretary of the Army, making him the first openly gay person to head up a branch of the military.

Obama admin rolls out major policies to stop discrimination on gender identity, important step on sexual orientation

Three federal agencies announced policies last week to help alleviate discrimination based on gender identity and, to a smaller extent, on sexual orientation.

Attorney General Lynch vows the Obama administration will fight NC ‘bathroom law’ with ‘everything we have’

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, likening North Carolina's 'bathroom law' to Jim Crow laws and bans on marriage for same-sex couples, announced Monday that the Department of Justice was filing suit against North Carolina and that the Obama administration would

Indiana’s stranger-than-fiction primary: Cruz attack on political correctness fails

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz relied heavily in Indiana on attacking the 'political correctness' of efforts to protect transgender people from discrimination, but it didn't save his campaign. Democrat Bernie Sanders wins in Indiana and sings new tune: It's not

Gender and gender identity take center stage in five-state primary

Cruz taunts Trump for not supporting 'bathroom laws;' Trump claims 'If Hillary were a man,' she wouldn't be a viable candidate.

Why a preliminary ruling in a trans student’s lawsuit is such a big deal

Last week's federal appeals panel ruling that said Title IX prohibits schools from discriminating against a student because of gender identity has the potential to reach far beyond one Virginia high school.

LGBTs in NY solidly behind Clinton; GOPs scramble to sound ‘reasonable’

'New York values' rejected Ted Cruz, helped John Kasich, and boosted Clinton to 80 percent of the magic number to cinch the nomination

Sanders, Cruz prevail in Wisconsin; Log Cabin ponders convention options

A high turnout of Republicans gave Ted Cruz a boost in Wisconsin but also secured a 10-year stint on the Wisconsin Supreme Court for a judicial candidate who had referred to gays as "degenerates" and the feminist movement as being