Author Archives: Lisa Keen

Democrats in Philadelphia: A guide to watching the “gayest ever” convention

DNC LGBT Caucus Chair Earl Fowlkes says that, among other things, he's "very hopeful" there will be an openly LGBT speaker during prime time television coverage of next week's Democratic National Convention.

GOP blockade of Obama judicial nominees snares openly gay candidate

Lesbian attorney Inga Bernstein's nomination to a federal district court seat has been pending for a year now, but a blockade of Obama nominees, including a Supreme Court nominee, portends she'll wait even longer.

Hostilities escalate as GOP approves anti-LGBT platform

Even Log Cabin Republicans expressed fury this week over the Republican Party platform's hostility to LGBT people. And the Human Rights Campaign said it is "prepared to go to extraordinary lengths to defeat” the Trump-Pence ticket.

Trump confirms: Indiana Governor Pence will be his running mate

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump just confirmed that he's asked Indiana Governor Mike Pence to be his running mate. Pence has a long record of opposition to equal rights for LGBT people, but he made many conservatives mad last year

House committee holds hearing on bill to allow discrimination based on ‘religious’ and ‘moral’ beliefs

Rep. Elijah Cummings said he couldn't imagine "a more inappropriate day to hold" a hearing on a bill seeking to allow discrimination against LGBT people. The House committee hearing, on the one-month anniversary of the Orlando nightclub shooting, featured the

GOP Convention: Some LGBT events in Cleveland but only half of six LGBT delegates are pledged to Trump

The Republican convention next week is expected to nominate its most LGBT friendly presidential candidate ever, but only half of the six openly LGBT delegates to the convention are pledged to support him. Here's what to watch for next week

GOP marriage fight: Modest plea by first openly gay platform committee member is soundly rebuffed

Lesbian Rachel Hoff, the first openly gay member of the Republican National Convention's platform committee, offered a carefully tempered proposal Monday to have the party welcome "thoughtful conversation" about marriage for same-sex couple. Instead, she got a "slap in the

Orlando aftershock: Is GOP in “solidarity” with LGBT community or squirming over Trump’s embrace

Gay activist tries to organize support for Trump, saying the Republican candidate's remarks following the Orlando tragedy were a "game changer." But not everybody agrees and at least one activist thinks GOP leaders are squirming over Trump's "solidarity" with gays.

Trump and Clinton spar over Orlando attack

In the wake of the attack on an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said this week that LGBT people have reason to support his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.

LGBT favorite Clinton secures Dem nomination, Trump promises attack

Hillary Clinton became the first woman in U.S. history to secure the presidential nomination of a major party; Bernie Sanders’ attack on Barney Frank unsuccessful; Donald Trump promises an attack speech next week.