Author Archives: Lisa Keen

Polis advances; others fall short in primaries

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) will face a pro-Trump Republican for the Colorado governor's office in November.

Kennedy: ‘He got Roberts, Alito, and Gorsuch’

The outcome of the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado case has ushered in a new level of unpredictability to Supreme Court decision-making when it involves LGBT people. But sometimes, the unpredicted result sounds very promising.

Masterpiece: a battle lost, but a concession won

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado fell far short from what LGBT legal activists had hoped for, but many say the majority opinion included significant language that supports the overall goal of civil rights laws prohibiting

Breaking new: Supreme Court rules for baker

In a stunning setback, the U.S. Supreme Court voted 7 to 2 that a state civil rights commission violated a baker's religious freedom when it required that he treat same-sex couples the same as heterosexual couples in his business.

Two Title VII cases now at Supreme Court

While there's considerable anticipation for the U.S. Supreme Court to release its decision this month in a case that tests the right of any business owner to refuse service based on sexual orientation, two more cases have arrived at the

Big victories in Texas Tuesday, as Valdez advances

Lupe Valdez made history Tuesday, winning the Democratic nomination for governor in Texas. Her odds are tough, but three openly LGBT candidates who advanced in their Congressional primaries Tuesday might well make history, too.

Record number of LGBT candidates for governor

An unprecedented number of openly LGBT candidates are running for governor this year, including a Congressman, a sheriff, an actor, and an exotic zookeeper.

Senate confirms Grenell as ambassador to Germany

After eight months, the U.S. Senate confirmed openly gay Republican Ric Grenell to serve as President Trump's ambassador to Germany.

Historic field of LGBT candidates for US Senate

The only LGBT member of the U.S. Senate is taking a pummeling from right-wing opponents who want to thwart her bid for a second-term, but the LGBT Democrat in the red state of Arizona is sailing over her opponents, and

LGBT candidates make push for U.S. House

There's a good chance openly LGBT candidates can pick up five or six seats in the U.S. House this year, an achievement that could break the record on openly LGBT members of Congress and go a long way to changing