Author Archives: Lisa Keen
Trump’s state of the union address: ‘dangerous rhetoric’
While some LGBT activists applauded President Trump's State of the Union address for stating a commitment to eradicating AIDS by 2030, others dismissed it as a "lie" and said Trump offered no details that suggested a real "plan" is in
Gay mayor enters 2020 race for president
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg announced this month that he has formed a committee to explore running for president in 2020.
Trump moves to undermine non-discrim regs in foster care
The Trump administration this month approved a request from South Carolina to funnel federal funds for foster care into agencies that discriminate on the basis of religion. The move is expected to jeopardize regulations barring sexual orientation and gender identity
Supreme Court hands Trump temporary win on trans ban
The U.S. Supreme Court said Tuesday that the Trump administration could begin implementing its ban on transgender people in the military but said it would look at the constitutionality of the policy after the lower courts have ruled.
Senator Lee forces Feldblum off EEOC
The first and only LGBT member of the EEOC has been denied a third term by Senator Mike Lee of Utah who says she harbors "radical" views and is trying to stamp out religious liberty.
Supreme Court: 9 LGBT cases near conference
The U.S. Supreme Court justices have three transgender military cases cued up on their January 11 conference list. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of LGBT related cases pending action next month.
Reports: Russians targeted LGBT community with disinformation
Two Senate reports released this week indicate the Russia operation to influence the 2016 presidential campaign targeted LGBT sites and individuals.
George H.W. Bush: As president, ‘not our friend’
For the LGBT community, President George H.W. Bush's legacy is not that of ally but one of studied adversary who embraced prominent anti-LGBT figures of the day to solidify his political base.
Trump tries to rush courts on trans ban
The Trump administration as asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene early in litigation over his proposed ban on transgender people in the military.