Monthly Archives: September 2011

New generations are advancing equality

A new national report provides data to back up what many have sensed for a long time: that the positive shift in America’s attitudes toward equal rights for LGBT people has a lot to do with age.

Zero LGBT questions at one debate, a flood at another

There was a complete absence of questions about LGBT-related issues at last night’s (September 7) debate among eight of the announced Republican presidential candidates. That stood in stark contrast to just two days earlier (September 5).

Baldwin: Ready for the fight

U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin said Wednesday that her campaign for a U.S. Senate seat from Wisconsin "will not be about me," but she’s "prepared to respond to any number of likely attacks in this political age," including ones based on

California court seems torn over Prop 8 standing issue

Proponents of Proposition 8 argued Tuesday that Yes on 8 must be granted standing to defend the California same-sex marriage ban in federal court; opponents argued Yes on 8 must be denied standing.

Baldwin makes it official: She’s running for Senate seat

The news became official Tuesday: U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin is running for the U.S. Senate in 2012. Baldwin made her announcement on her campaign website and via email to supporters Tuesday morning.

‘History could repeat itself’ on DADT, warns Log Cabin attorney

"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" will be off the books September 20. But there is still concern among some that the removal of that specific law barring gays from the military will not stop discrimination against gays in the military.

Perry: ‘Nothing’ to embarrass supporters

Texas Governor Rick Perry assured an audience of potential donors last weekend that there is “nothing” in his personal life that will embarrass them should they support his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

Argument Tuesday in Prop 8 standing

For the second week in a row, Proposition 8 is in court and, next week, it’s right back where it started. On Tuesday, September 6, the court is the California Supreme Court, and the question is whether there is any authority

Solmonese’s final salary-benefits package

In response to the story about the impending resignation of Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese, a reader commented: “Always interesting to me is that NEVER is it mentioned what his pay package looked like.” Solmonese never got on the phone